A step-by-step approach to enrolling in our nursery

  • Step 1: Contact us at 089 055 2493 or littlecoconutsdaycare@gmail.com.
  • Step 2: Schedule a tour of the nursery or discuss any further specifics. 
  • Step 3: Complete the application form and attach any relevant papers. Please download the application form here: Application Form
  • Step 4: The school will arrange for any necessary pre-enrollment assessments. Parents will be notified as soon as possible of the enrollment process. 
  • Step 5: Upon approval by the nursery, you will be invoiced for the nursery fee and any required payments.
  • Step 6: After the nursery has received payment you will be informed when your child can attend our nursery.

Parents may purchase school uniforms and textbooks at the front desk.

* All school fees and policies are reviewed annually; however, with consideration, certain policies may change during the current academic year (please constantly check with reception for updates). *